
Our Services

Dentistry Services

When it comes to oral health, we believe only the best will do. We deliver the highest standard of specialized pediatric, orthodontic, and relaxation dentistry.

Common Procedures

Your child’s appointment will take about 45 minutes. Each regular exam includes a detailed teeth cleaning, in which we will clean, polish, and rinse the teeth to remove any tartar and plaque that have built up on the tooth’s surface.

common procedures

Pediatric Dentistry

A child’s first visit to the dentist should be enjoyable. Children are not born with a natural fear of the dentist, but they can fear the unknown. Our office makes a special effort to use pleasant, non-frightening, simple words to describe each treatment.


Pediatric Dental Emergencies

If you face a dental emergency, give us a call immediately. If you need urgent treatment after hours, you can call our emergency number. We are always here to assist when your child’s dental health is at risk. Below are tips on dealing with urgent dental…



Traditional dental restoratives, or fillings, may include gold, porcelain, and composite. The strength and durability of traditional dental materials continue to make them useful for situations where restored teeth must withstand extreme forces that result…

common procedures


There are times when it is necessary to remove a tooth. Sometimes, a baby tooth has misshapen or long roots that prevent it from falling out as it should, and the tooth must be removed to make way for the permanent tooth to erupt.


Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is the most frequently used method for easing mild to moderate anxiety in children. Administered through a small mask that fits over your child’s nose, it is an effective way to calm anxiety.


Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry at First Bite Pediatric Dentistry involves using a medical addition in addition to behavior management to help operative dentistry become more tolerable.

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We can’t wait to meet you!

If you have any questions, please contact us or call (702) 805-8185 today.
